- Which GPS should I buy? Click HERE
- My First GPS for Hiking: What features does it need? (updated frequently)
- My First GPS for Automobile Navigation -What features does it need?
- Bordeaux Wine Country Cruise and Tour with two Garmin GPS Map 76Cx (JUL 15)
- CenRut.org -New GPS Routable Street and Topo Maps of Central America (AUG 12)
- Car Navigator Day and Night Readability: Night and Day Photos (2meg file)
- China Trip and Yangtze River Cruise with a Garmin GPSmap 76Cx (NOV 13)
- Columbia River Cruise with a Garmin GPSmap 76Cx and Vista C (JUL 09)
- DROID GPS Equipped PDA Phone - Google Maps - by Larry Leviton (JAN 10)
- Eastern Continental Divide in Georgia and related to the Battle of Atlanta (MAR 07)
- Eastern Continental Divide in North Carolina and the Blue Ridge Parkway (JUL 10)
- Feature Matrix of Garmin, Lowrance, and Magellan units we have Reviewed
- G-Raster -Free, Converts 24K DRG Maps to KMZ Files for Custom Maps (MAY 11)
- GeoCaching and GeoGraphing: New Hobbies for GPS owners (Links)
- G7ToWin -Edit Your GPS Data -Display on MapSource, SA, and CE Devices
- Garmin 24K ToPo Maps -With Terrain Shading by Penrod (SEP 08)
- Garmin Astro Dog Tracker works very well. by Allory (MAR 08)
- Garmin BaseCamp -New Interface Technology for Selected Hand-helds (DEC 09)
- Garmin Colorado Hand-held has new features, dual maps,Penrod (FEB 08)
- Garmin Dakota Outdoor Hand-held, Smaller Touchscreen, Penrod (AUG 09)
- Garmin Etrex 30 (also 10,20) New Etrex Handheld Review, Penrod (DEC 11)
- Garmin Fenix - New WRIST GPS offers great features, Penrod (Oct 12)
- Garmin ForeRunner 205 Personal Trainer System by Sam Penrod (SEP 06)
- Garmin ForeRunner 305 Personal Trainer System by Jess Grogan (OCT 06)
- Garmin GPS18 GPS Rcvr, for Laptops, has CitySelect maps: by Penrod
- Garmin GPSmap 60C(S)(x) -Car Navigator, Hiking, GPS does all (MAY 06)
- Garmin GPSmap 62s/78sc - Hiking/Marine replace the 60 and 76 series (SEP 10)
- Garmin GPSmap 76C(S)(x) -With the new SiRF-III and microSD card (JUL 06)
- Garmin GPS-376C ChartPlotter/Car Navigator with Weather Rpt-by Harmon
- Garmin GTM-10 Data Radio *RDS* gives real time traffic info to GPS by Joe
- Garmin GA25MCX -The Latest Entry in Low-cost GPS Antennas -by Allory
- Garmin MapSource Map Viewer -Review all of Garmin's Available Maps (Link)
- Garmin Montana MultiPurpose Car/Hiking/Camera GPS by Sam Penrod (JAN 12)
- Garmin Mobile PC, Review -Get nuvi-like Navigation on Pocket-sized PCs
- Garmin nuvi 360 Car Navigator/Bluetooth/Talking Book/MP3 by Sam (AUG 06)
- Garmin nuvi 500 "Crossover" GPS -Also used for Hiking -by Rich Owings (OCT 08)
- Garmin nuvi 660/680 Car Navigator-Bluetooth-FM/MSN, 4.3" Diagonal (JAN 08)
- Garmin nuvi 760/780 as Compared to the nuvi 660/680 -Features Added (MAR 08)
- Garmin nuvi 7x5T Family with Enhanced Traffic & Driving Displays (FEB 09)
- Garmin nuvi 1690 Perhaps the BEST Car Navigator to date by Penrod (DEC 09)
- Garmin nuvi 3790 Lifetime Maps, Traffic Info, Car/Pedestrian GPS by Penrod (FEB 11)
- Garmin nuvi 3590 Lifetime Maps, Traffic, VOICE COMMAND, by Sam Penrod (SEP 12)
- Garmin OREGON 650 Updated Touchscreen Navigator & Camera by Sam Penrod (Sep 13)
- Garmin OREGON 550 CAMERA touch Navigator by Sam Penrod (DEC 09)
- Garmin OREGON handheld touchscreen navigator by Sam Penrod (SEP 08)
- Garmin POI Loader -Load Custom POIs/proximity waypoints by Penrod (JAN 06)
- Garmin SP-i3 -Simplified, Miniature Car Navigator & Voice-by Tony Mactutis
- Garmin Spot Messanger 2 -Handheld Satellite Data Transmitter by Sam Penrod (AUG 10)
- Garmin StreetPilot c320/30/40, Simplified Touchscreen Navigator (MAR 06)
- Garmin StreetPilot c550 -FM Radio Traffic, Hands-free Phone, Automotive GPS (AUG 11)
- Garmin StreetPilot c580 -MSN Direct/BlueTooth/Car Navigator-Penrod (JUN 07)
- Garmin StreetPilot 2820, XMradio/traffic&BlueTooth, Nice Unit by Penrod OCT (06)
- Garmin StreetPilot 7200/7500-Large Screen, XM Radio Traffic &Weather Maps
- Garmin Third Party Map Program Paying Off for 15 new countries so far (Link)
- Garmin Vista/Legend Color -Compares the New Vista HCx to the Vista C (OCT 07)
- Garmin Vista HCx-New More Sensitive Rx, Full Featured, Nice-Penrod (OCT 07)
- Garmin zumo 550 -Designed for the Motor Bike, Bluetooth Audio (JUN 07)
- Global Mapper -Creates Garmin Custom Maps from 24K DRG maps quickly (APR 12)
- GPS Users give their comments on their favorite new GPS receiver (Various)
- Lowrance Expedition c(+) -Compass, Barometer, MP3, Many Features (JUN 06)
- Lowrance iWay 350c -TouchScreen, PreLoaded Maps, with MP3 Music (JUN 06)
- Maptech U.S. Boating Charts on DVD -Very Affordable (MAY 06)
- Magellan DirectRoute, Automatic Routing Maps -Product Review (MAR 07)
- Magellan eXplorist 210/500/600/XL -With Geocaching Program (MAR 07)
- Magellan eXplorist 500LE - with MapSend Topo Maps by Leviton (FEB 07)
- Magellan Meridian Color GPS Traveler Value Pack -by SeaJay Bayne
- Magellan RoadMate 760-Auto Car Navigatorwith "SayWhere" by Mactutis (JAN 06)
- Magellan RoadMate 800 -MP3 player and Picture viewer (FEB 06) -by Dale
- Magellan RoadMate 2000 -TouchScreen, Works Well - by Grogan (DEC 06)
- Magellan RoadMate 2200T-TouchScreen/Traffic Data- by Rahn (JAN 07)
- Magellan RoadMate 3050-TouchScreen, Traffic Info, by Sam Penrod (JAN 07)
- Magellan RoadMate 9055 -Large 7-Inch Diagonal, TouchScreen with Traffic (MAY 11)
- Magellan Topo 3D USA Map -A Hiker's Must-Have Program (MAR 07)
- Mexico Maps -Garmin 2008 and BiciMapas 2008 Maps are Much Improved (JUL 08)
- National Grid (USNG) -New Simplified Mapping Reference System for the US (NOV 10)
- Navimatics -Detailed Marine Charts Comparable to Garmin BlueCharts (JUL 08)
- Navman GPS ICN750 -Capable Car Navigator by Bruce Rahn (MAR 07)
- Navman N60i-Car Navigator, Camera, Works very well. by Rahn (MAR 07)
- North Pole Journey with Sarah Gilboe and her 'Ancient' Garmin Legend (FEB 09)
- Peachtree Rd. in Atlanta -1812 Const. from Indian trail, GPS maps and History (JUL 11)
- Perú GPS maps by perut.org -Read instructions HERE and article in Spanish HERE (DEC 12)
- PIG-Tones -Alternate Voices for the Garmin and Tom Tom Portable Car Units (MAR 10)
- SPOT 2 Personal Messenger & Locator reports position via Satellite -Penrod (AUG 10)
- TerraIncognita -Creates High-resolution Aerial-photo Garmin Custom Maps (JUL 11)
- TomTom GO TouchScreen Car Navigator Good Performance -by D. DePriest
- USAPhotoMaps -Download Aerial Photo/Topo Images at Selected Waypoints
Hardware and Software Reviews
- OLDER GPS Product Reviews for Discontinued, Obsolete, Obsolescent GPSRs
- An Early GPS Review -The First Published on these Pages (JAN 1997)
- Baja Expeditioner GPS maps of Baja Calififornia vs. WorldMap (NOV 05)
- Colorado and Washington 24K Topographic Maps for Garmin GPS -Review (08)
- Cruise on the Sea of Cortés and Rail Excursion to Mexico's Copper Canyon (02)
- Delorme StreetAtlas 2003 and the USB Earthmate GPS by C. Carvey (NOV 03
- Garmin BlueCharts with Comparisons to Other Nautical Charts (JAN 02)
- Garmin ForeRunner 201 Personal Trainer system by Sam Penrod (OCT 04)
- Garmin geko 101 -A 'Minimalist' Small Entry-Level GPS Receiver (APR 03)
- Garmin geko 201 -An 'Advanced' Small Entry-Level GPS Receiver (APR 08)
- Garmin GPSmap76/76S(Compass/Baro) Full Featured Receiver (APR 04)
- Garmin GPS-V offers Automatic routing in a small handheld (SEP 01)
- Garmin GPS-276C ChartPlotter/Car Navigator does both well by Wilson (04)
- Garmin iQue M5-Pocket PC Based GPS plus PDA system -by Dale (JUL 05)
- Garmin iQue 3600-Palm OS5 Based GPS plus PDA system -by Dale (OCT 03)
- Garmin Legend/Vista, feature rich, big map memory (JUL 02)
- Garmin MapSource Maps & GPS Units in Alaska and Canada Cruise (OCT 00)
- Garmin MetroGuide USA-4.0 as compared to CityNavigator/CitySelect (JAN 02)
- Garmin Modernize your GPS Interface -Add Bluetooth or USB (FEB 05)
- Garmin nRoute allows GPS Navigation on Laptop - by Sam Penrod (OCT 05)
- Garmin nuvi 350 Pocket Size Car Navigator/Talking Book/MP3 (DEC 05)
- Garmin Quest -Novel Mini Car Navigator with Rechargeable Battery (OCT 04)
- Garmin RINO combo GPS and RADIO broadcasts your location (NOV 02)
- Garmin StreetPilot III ColorMap: has Automatic Routing and Voice (MAR 01)
- Garmin StreetPilot 2610/20/50, Touchscreen Automatic Routing+Voice (OCT 04)
- Garmin StreetPilot 2720, TouchScreen AutoRouting, Traffic Radio (SEP 05)
- Garmin Topo U.S. 2008 -Compared to Other Topo Maps (JUL 07)
- Garmin USA Topo 24K Redwoods Nat. Parks Topo Maps -by Murray (AUG 06)
- Garmin USA Topo CDs, A Short Review and Examples (4 NOV 04)
- Garmin WorldMap v.4 Compared v. 3 and Magellan's WorldWide Map (FEB 07)
- GPS Car Navigators: How good are the maps? What are limitations? (JAN 04)
- GPS Rcvr Accuracy under tree cover for Garmin and Magellan units (Link)
- GPS Reviews and Scores by Users in TestFreaks (Link)
- GPS review centre -Resources for several brands, voices, news, etc. (Link)
- Handheld Computer+GPS Combination Power/Data cable powers both-Dale)
- Handheld Computers and PDAs convert into GPS Receivers -Dale
- Holux GM100 Mapping GPS Receiver, Available in Spain (APR 01)
- Infiniti QX4 Navigation System manufactured by Xanav by Phil Sherrod
- iPaq GPS using NavMan Sleeve and Maptech Topo maps by Dale (SEP 02)
- Lexus and BMW (year 2000) Auto Navigation System comments by Bob Aluska
- Lowrance iFinder GPS has 9999 trackpoints capability (MAY 02)
- Lowrance iWay 500c -A Large-screen, Automotive GPS, MP3 Music (OCT 05)
- Magellan Meridian Gold-GPS Mapping full featured at good price (DEC 02)
- Magellan Meridian now offers User-Selectable basemaps and 512meg Mem
- Magellan Platinum Mapping Receiver-Compass and Altimeter Review (DEC 02)
- Magellan RoadMate 300 Car Navigator Review by Larry Leviton (AUG 05)
- Magellan RoadMate 360 Car Navigator, Preloaded Maps, by Penrod (DEC 05)
- Magellan RoadMate 500 and 700 -Touchscreen Automatic Routers (JAN 04)
- Magellan SporTrak Color -Bright Screen and 3-Axis Compass (OCT 03)
- Magellan SporTrak Pro -A remarkably accurate small receiver (JAN 03)
- Magellan State Plane Coordinates -Displays all of US, Instructions (MAY 03)
- Magellan Topo USA Map -Can Display Topo, Profile, and Street Data (AUG 01)
- MapConnection's eTopo offers Canadian Topo maps-by Lloyd Bowles (JUN 02)
- Maptech Iraq SD Card -Very Detailed Street-level Maps for Palm Devices
- Maptech Terrain Navigator 3-D maps versus Delorme Topo USA 3.0 (01)
- Maptech Offshore Navigator Examples and Comparison to Ozi Explorer (01)
- Maps uploadable to GPS:Where can I get third party maps for my GPS?
- Maps: How can I scan my own maps and upload them into my GPS? (DEC 01)
- Mexico Maps -A Summary of the Available GPS and DRG Topo Maps of Mexico
- Mobile Re-Radiating Antenna aids GPS reception by Dale DePriest (8 MAR 03)
- MountainScope uses Flight Data and 3D Topo Maps to show Hazards to Flight
- Navman GPS Sleeve iPaq- Review including mapping software by Dale (02)
- Navman GPS ICN630 -Portable GPS Navigation for Vehicle Use (OCT 03)
- Navman Sport Tool R300 Training Aid by Allory Deiss (AUG 05)
- NavMan iPaq GPS-Smart Professional SW with Navman GPS by Dale (02)
- Motorcycle Mount for Garmin 2610 and 2650 Car Navigator by Michael Moore
- Pioneer NAV-SYS900DVD-large screen/good nav features-by Mohabir (02)
- Rayming BLUETOOTH GPS receiver Reviewed by Crile Carvey (APR 04)
- Route 66:European GPS Mapping Program has Automatic Route Generation
- StreetFinder Deluxe (Rand McNally) 2000 -Software Review by Dale
- Titan III remote amplified antenna works with most any GPS (JUL 04)
- TomTom Navigator 2 - by Dale DePriest (SEP 03)
- Tree Cover and GPS-Do I need an amplified external antenna? (Link)
- VDO Dayton MS5000: Automatic address Car Navigation has good display
- World Maps -We Compared Magellan and Garmin, You Decide (MAY 03)
FAQs Hardware YES!... SA has been off since 12:04AM EDT May 2, 2000. Read about it HERE.
- Battery-drain measurements for several GPS receivers (AUG 06)
- Batteries -Should I use Alkaline, Lithium, NiCad, or NiMH batteries in my GPS? (NOV 00)
- Batteries: NiMH are probably the lowest cost long term solution for GPS use. (Link)
- Comparisons of Hand-held Screen Sizes, Pixels, and Resolution -by Matthew Birch (OCT 03)
- EOW fix for older model Garmin GPS Receivers -Quick fix to get your G45/G40/G38 working again
- Garmin Active Powered Antennas - A look at the different models (JAN 98)
- Garmin Data Cables: What are the Pinouts? (JUL 01)
- Garmin's diagnostic features - Mess with these and you may lose your data -by Dale (JAN 99)
- Garmin FAQs Including a LINK to the Garmin FAQ site
- Garmin Firmware Revisions, Features, and Update/Upgrade costs and policy (Allory Deiss)
- Garmin GPS Receiver Feature Comparisons with comments by Dale DePriest updated frequently
- Garmin Icons for G-III+ in Graphic Form and Icon Number (Link)
- Garmin's official GPS Receiver MANUALS - Download yours from here (Link)
- Garmin GPS Receiver Manual: Dale's version tells you more in simple language.
- Garmin SP-III and G-V: How do I use MANUALLY generated routes: Courtesy GPS-Garmin.nl
- Garmin Signal Strength Bars -What do they tell me? (12 JUL 99)
- Garmin Simulator Mode -How to Initialize the Starting Point in the Garmin G-III and III+? (JAN 99)
- Garmin's WorldWide Warranty Policy -Explained (20 JAN 99)
- Garmin WAAS -Steps a Receiver Performs to Acquire the Geo-Stationary Satellites (JUL 02)
- Garmin Waypoints -Why don't they increment by filling in the holes in a sequence? (JUL 98)
- Garmin Waypoint Averaging -What is it and how does it work? (23 MAY 98)
- GPS Antenna and Sensitivity Comparisons How NOT to make the wrong conclusions. (JUL 98)
- GPS locks Quickly when my car is stopped and takes much longer when I am moving -Why? (AUG 99)
- GPS Maps: The maps in my GPS are not accurate. Why is that? (NOV 05)
- GPS signal strength bars -What do they mean when they are "hollow" or all black? (JUL 99)
- GPS won't lock, Signals look OK -What's wrong? (JUL 98)
- MAC computers and GPS receivers -How can I get them to communicate? (DEC 01)
- Magellan FAQ, version 2.0 (PDF) by Dan Surratt (OCT 03)
- Magellan Firmware Revisions, Features, and Updates (Allory Deiss)
- Magellan Firmware Revisions, Features, and Updates (Link)
- Magellan GPS Manuals: Where can I find them? Older units. Aussie distributor
- Magellan Undocumented Control Codes and Data Explanations (JUN 02)
- Memory Backup Battery problems in some Garmin GPS receivers (JUL 98)
- Map Memory -How much and how many segments do I need to load a whole CD worth? (Links)
- Maptech Iraq SD Card -Very Detailed Street-level Maps for Palm Devices
- MEMORY -How much do I need in my new GPS receiver (JUL 02)
- MGRS -Which handheld GPS receivers have MGRS? (AUG 04)
- Multipath: My GPS position (or speed) "jump around" and are not stable at times. WHY?
- Multiple Waypoint Messaging -Explained (APR 99)
- Nearest 9 Waypoints on Garmin GPS Units -Details (MAY 98)
- Precision Mapping Streets Mapping Software
- Print Garmin MetroGuide generated routes: How do I do it? (JUN 02)
- RAIN, CLOUDS, fog, and snow: Do they affect my GPS signals? (DEC 01)
- ROAD LOCK -Which GPS receivers have this feature? (JUL 02)
- Routes and Tracks: What is the difference? (MAR 00)
- Trip Log -Why is my GPS travel log distance never exactly correct? (JAN 04)
- USA purchased GPS receivers Overseas -Can I buy in USA and use my GPS Overseas? (JUN 02)
- WAAS and its Relation to Enabled Hand-Held GPS Receivers (MAR 12)
- WAAS Operation: Your Questions Answered (JAN 02)
- WAAS Tutorial by Dale DePriest (JAN 02)
- Warm Start/Cold Start? What does this mean?
- WaterProofNess of Garmin Receivers -Garmin Engineering (MAY 97)
- WaterProofNess of Lowrance Receivers -Lowrance Engineering (JUL 98)
- What Happens when Diagnostics Page wipes out all Garmin Stored Data (MAY 98)
- Which GPS receivers can compute AREA/acreage when I walk a closed loop?(Updated 2008)
- Windows XP -How do I get Win XP to recognize my GPS? (MAY 02)
- Why Would I want a GPS Receiver and What Could I Do With It?
Geography -Maps, Datums, Waypoint Lists, Formulas
- ACCURACY> How to improve GPS accuracy by POST PROCESSING -by Jim Harris (Feb 2010)
- Above the Timber -High-resolution 24K Colorado Topographic Maps for Garmin GPSRs
- Address or Lon/Lat -Put in and get Map showing location using MapQuest, Google Maps or GPS Visualizer
- Airports over the World: Where can I find the lon/latfor the World's Airports? (Link)
- Backcountry Mapping -Garmin-compatible Maps of Utah
- Bitmaps and Vector Maps: What is the difference? Dale DePriest tells us all
- BUNGEE -Connects your GPS Receiver to ANY version of Google Earth
- Canadian Survey Markers (Similar to the NGS Data Sheets) (Link)
- Coast Guard Lights List for the USA: Where can I find lists of lights, buoys, etc. (Link)
- Colorado 24K Topographic Maps for Garmin GPS -by Roger Edrinn
- Contour 3D -Records Depth-finder Data, Makes Contour Maps of the Bottom (Link)
- Convert Datums, File Formats, Tracks to Routes, using GeoConv software (Link)
- Convert LORAN to GPS lon/lat coordinates using this program (Link)
- Convert RASTER maps to VECTOR maps: Is there any software to do that? (Search)
- Convert between STATE PLANE, UTM, and Lat/Long courtesy of US Army (Link)
- Convert between State Plane, UTM, and Lat/Long plus other coordinate systems (Link)
- Coordinate Conversion Online Tool by oasisphoto.com (Link) and another tool by GPS2CAD.com
- Datums: A Brief Description (14 JUN 99)
- Datums: How much error in my position if I fail to use the correct datum with my Lat/Long reading? (Link)
- Datums: My TOPO (or other map) program does not accurately position my location on the map. (Link)
- Datums: New Zealand Geodetic 2000 (LINZ) datum -Information About NZ's new datum (Link)
- Degrees, Minutes and Seconds> Where did the terms originate? by Sam Wormley (NOV 02)
- DGPS datum is NAD-83 and not WGS-84 as used internally by the GPS - Will this DGPS signal be accurate?
- DRG Maps -Digital Raster Graphic Maps -What are they anyway? (Link)
- Don Bartlett's GPS and UTM Tutorial Site
- Earth: According to WGS-84 [Courtesy of Sigurd Humerfelt] (Link)
- Eye4Software -Coordinate Transformation Calculator Software (Link)
- Garmin MapSource (MetroGuide and USA Topo) -Data Source (OCT 00)
- Garmin StreetPilot MetroGuide Database descriptions (Link)
- Garmin City Database Details (1 JUN 98)
- GEtrax - Google Earth track plotting from GPS data
- GettyThesaurus of City Names - Put in a City Name, get back a longitude/latitude
- Geodetic Survey Markers(Worldwide Listings) -How can I find one near where I am? (FEB 01)
- GISCOVER is the point where travelers, outdoor lovers and GPS enthusiasts meet. (Link)
- GPSy's Internet Digital Map listings: An extensive list of digital maps available on the Internet (Link)
- GPS Basecamp -Find Yourself Outdoors, Download GPS Files for State and National Parks (Link)
- Grid Conversions, Distance Formulas, Coordinate Transformations, and Map Translation Software (Links)
- MacGPS Pro provides a current digital map library for most PC GPS and Mac programs (Link)
- MapRef Website -Datum conversions, Projections, Map References for EUROPE
- Map Vendors USA -Who makes GPS maps for the USA and are they accurate? by Dale DePriest (FEB 03)
- Mapping Agencies Around the World - (Link)
- Maps 'n Trails -Free maps for Garmin GPS Units, Large Collection from most Continents
- Maps -From Around the World -(Links)
- Maps: Supposedly the largest selection of maps in the world (Link) (click on MAP)
- Mercator Projections -Norris Weimer tells us about the Projections and the MAN (Link)
- Mexico Maps -Detailed Mexico and Baja Street-level MapSource and Topo DRG GPS maps (links)
- Navigation BEFORE GPS -How did we do it? (Link)
- naviTRAVELER -Download Aerial Photos and Street Maps, Find Places, Add Places, Many POIs (link)
- Nima2GPS - Convert information from NIMA´s GEOnet Names Server into waypoint files (Link)
- NGS Survey Markers Data Sheets (Link)
- NGS Survey Marker Accuracy -Texts by Dave Doyle and Ed McKay (NGS)
- NMEA Datums as regard to use with Ozi Explorer and Garmin Receivers (FEB 02)
- OSGB -What is it? How do I set up my GPS? Convert to Lat/Long? Where to buy UK maps? (Link)
- OKMap -Many Mapping Features, Scanned Map, GPS Information and history, Download Georeferenced Maps from Google Maps
- PetraStudio-Maps for GPS: Raster to Vector Conversion, AutoCAD Drafting, Custom Vector Maps
- Place, -Enter and Get Waypoint -Sam Wormley's Waypoint Site (Link)
- Prime Meridian -History of its Past and Present at Greenwich (NOV 99)
- Sunrise/Sunset/Moonrise/Moonset -Give your location and find out for your area (Link)
- TatukGIS Editor for editing and translating data between GPX, SHP, MIF, DXF, KML, GML,.. formats.
- TatukGIS Datum and Projection Conversion Calculator (free download) -Instructions (MAY 02)
- TopoFusion -Download maps, TIGER, NASA, Aerial Photo, and Satellite Automatically from Public Servers
- TOPO and 3-D Maps to download to your GPS or Laptop Computer (Links)
- Topo Maps, DRG, aerial photos, and other GIS info for USA Free, Courtesy Doyle's GIS (Link)
- TopoShare.org -Free Adventure maps for the Best Outdoor Activities
- State Plane Coordinate Systems (all) and their use with Magellan Receivers
- State Plane Coordinate Systems (some) and their use with Garmin Receivers
- Scottish Mountaineering Club -Provides information about available free Garmin uploadable contour maps
- User Grids and Datums in Hand-Held Receivers -A Small Collection (FEB 99)
- USGS DRG Alaska maps on CD for sale by GPS Trails
- USGS DRG Topographical Maps -Where to get them -Other Sources (Link)
- UTM/UPS: A Brief Description (JUN 07)
- UTM: Which UTM Zone am I in? (Map)
- UTM and Datum Information Web Sites (Links)
- UTM and MGRS: What are the differences? How do I convert from one to the other?
- View your home (probably) from the Russian Spin-4 Satellite or from a USGS Aerial view
- ViTo Technology -Maps from Around the World for your Windows Mobile Pocket PC / GPS Navigation
- Waypoints: A very extensive worldwide listing of Waypoint LISTS (Links)
Tutorial: How Does GPS Work
GPS Information
- Airliners and GPS - Is it Safe for me to use my GPS on a Passenger Airliner?
- Antenna Pattern of your GPS antenna -Measure and Plot yours using this program. (Link)
- Antennas for GPS Receivers- Patch and Helix typical Specification Sheets (OCT 02)
- Antenna for GPS Receivers- A Turnstile Antenna you can build, from ARRL (NOV 02)
- Averaging Waypoints -How long do I have to average to improve accuracy of my GPS fix?
- Battery Operational Durations for Lithium, Alkaline, and NiMH AA Cells in the SporTrak Color (Link)
- Batteries: Technical information on Lithium, Alkaline, Mn and other battery types (Link)
- Airlines which Approve or Disapprove GPS use during flights (Undated Frequently)
- Buoy Database: You can find links to various marine Buoy Databases via this link
- Coastline Profile Extractor for use with OziExplorer and GPSUtility (Link)
- Compare GPS Sat Nav Systems -Extensive Information on Free GPS Software; Maps, and Hardware (Link)
- Consumer vs Military GPS Receivers in a JAMMING Environment (DEC 04)
- Dale DePriest's Index of GPS Information -A must see section of our website
- DATUM parameter conversion: 7 parameter to 3 parameter conversion by Eino Uikkanen (FEB 03)
- DGPS Services -Worldwide Listing of Available Services, Additional input Solicited (NOV 02)
- Error Measures: 1 sigma, 2 sigma, 3 sigma, 50%CEP, 2DRMS, 95% confidence? What does this mean?
- European Global Navigation Satellite System, Go-Ahead Announce (JUN 98)
- FAA's Modernization Plans -WAAS, GPS and other Safety and Efficiency Technology plans (Link)
- French speaking GPS news group: Where can I find one? (Link)
- Garmin CitySelect and CityNavigator- Where can I buy a USA version new or replacement?
- Garmin Data Field definitions: GPS data display definitions for Garmin GPS (25 MAR 00)
- Garmin eTrex: User Manual, Load additional Icons, Interface with OziExplorer and more (25 AUG 00)
- Garmin's European Map Coverage Detail Information (MAY 00)
- Garmin'sMap Error reporting form- Send Garmin info on any errors you find in their maps
- Garmin MapSource, Features Summary of R&R, USA Topo, and WorldMap CDs -Link (SEP 99)
- Garmin's Official Upload/Download Protocol in *.pdf [Adobe] format (Link)
- Garmin's Upload/Download Protocol: Definitions and Explanations (Link)
- Garmin's Out-of-Warranty Repair Policy -Explained (SEP 98)
- Garmin FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) (JAN 99)
- Garmin R&R file index: Enables you to select which files to load onto your hard drive -by Gary McMeekin
- Garmin SP MEMORY CHIP: Samsung NAND FLASH chip. Where can I find data sheets?(Link)
- Garmin Tracklogs - Which is Best for You? (SEP 00)
- Glossary of GPS and GIS Terms and other GPS Tutorial Information (Link)
- GPS Altitude -How Accurate? (FEB 01)
- GPS Cartoons -Do you have any to contribute?! (MAR 06)
- GPS -Flying on Commercial Airlines -Can I make my GPS work from a passenger seat? (NOV 98)
- GPS Navigation Message> Binary files let you test your decode algorithm by Craig Bailey (FEB 03)
- GPS Operation in Foreign Countries -Will I be Arrested? (OCT 98)
- GPS Receiver Accuracy -How accurate should I expect them to be? -A study by David Wilson (Link)
- GPS Receiver Accuracy -Scatter Plots by DLR (German) show error plots (Horiz/Vert) (Link)
- GPS Receivers: What does it take to make a typical model like the G-76S? EETimes tells us (LINK)
- GPS Sales Projections: Yearly sales history and projections (MAY 05)
- GPS Satellite RF Power Output? How many watts is it? (FEB 99)
- GPS Satellite ORBITS - How often are the satellites in exactly the same position? (FEB 99)
- GPS Speed: How fast can I go? How accurate is the speed readout? (OCT 99)
- GPS Time -Is it locked to UTC? How do they do that? (APR 99)
- GPS Voltage Input: What is the Input Voltage range for common GPS receivers?
- Hiking using your GPS: Cass Lewart tells how to do it (SEP 99)
- How Far North will my GPS operate? -Bill Straka gives us his experiences (26 MAR 99)
- Jack's 'Museum' Collection of 18 (working) Hand-held GPS Receivers from 1994 to 2005 (1.4MB)
- Jack and Joe - Why do they write all this stuff anyway? (MAY 07)
- Kalman Filters -Make your own by Andy La Varre (PDF) -Bring your Matrix Algebra Book (19 AUG 98)
- Kalman Filters-Sam Wormley's references and a simple explanation (SEP 98)
- Longitude 1 minute, Latitude 1 minute: How many meters is that? Sigurd Humerfelt tells us. (Link)
- Magellan (Official) Data Transmission Protocol v2.11 in WORD format or PDF format (MAR 03)
- Map Reading and Land Navigation Manual, US Army FM 3-25.26 (Link)
- MicroSoft AutoRoute (and other MS Mapping programs) won't connect to my GPS. What do I do?
- NMEA FAQ and Sentence Definitions -Links to multiple sources (OCT 98)
- NMEA checksums, sentence logger and other programming subroutines for GPS (Link)
- RS232C Voltage-Levels Standard (AUG 98)
- Rubber Banding Routes: What does this mean? Why would I want it? What GPS has it? (JAN 00)
- Selective Availability -View tracks when it was turned off on April 20, 1997 (JUN 02)
- StreetPilot Map Updates -What is Garmin's Policy and Price? (JUL 98)
- Surveying and GIS information news group -Go there (Link)
- Time Synchronization -Set your PC's Time-of-Day Clock using GPS and other Standards (AUG 98)
- Topo Maps Worldwide -Why are they so hard to find? (JAN 99)
- Waypoint Averaging: How much does this feature of a GPS improve accuracy of a waypoint? (Link)
GPS Instructions
GPS hardware and PDA mapping software
- General Index to PDAs that support GPS.
- Cetus GPS software for Palm Computers: Present position, tracklogging, GIS (Link)
- Delorme Street Atlas Vector and 3-D GPS Maps (Link)
- Destinator 3 Personal Navigation System -by Crile Carvey
- Garmin iQue 3600-Palm OS5 Based GPS plus PDA system -Review (OCT 03) by Dale
- i-gotU -Share your Adventures and Mapped Photos Over the Internet with Family & Friends
- Navio -Access to all the information from your GPS receiver on your Pocket PC
- Nobeltec (Marine navigation software (Link)
- Palm OS Palm OS Navigation Topics -Information, Links, and Reviews by Dale DePriest
- PocketPC and WinCE Hardware and Software -Links, Information, and Reviews by Dale DePriest
- Psion Software -Links to Multiple Sites, Moving Map, Garmin Protocol, NMEA (APR 99)
- Recreational Grade GPS Receivers and Digital Topo Software for PDAs -by Fryar
- Vista (Scanned, Vector, and Flight Sectional Charts (Link)
Links to Third-Party GPS Intermediate Software
- 3-D Plots by Height -Both 2-D Profiles and Complete Rotateable 3-D Plots for Viewing at Different Angles
- 3-D Plots of GPS Tracks -A few Pointers (MAY 04)
- APRS -Automatic Packet Reporting System -Reports your position automatically via Radio
- Aviation Data Base Management software for Garmin Units
- Aviation Data Base for Magellan 315/320 puts FAA data in Consumer GPS -by Brian Wade
- Cetus GPS software for Palm Computers: Present position, tracklogging, GIS (no maps)
- CMT -Specializing in Surveying, Forestry, GIS, Resource Management and Utilities Applications
- CUESoft GPS .NET Control MicroSoft *.NET interface for GPS receivers to NET software
- DSH electronics (Software program that controls any map with GPS; incl. speech)
- EasyGPS (free) is an easy way to create, edit, and transfer waypoints and routes
- ExpertGPS displays your waypoints, routes, and tracks on Terraserver USGS topo maps and aerial photos
- Eye4Software -GPS Tool Kit for NMEA Serial Protocol Products (Link)
- Fugawi (Scanned, DRG, and BSB Charts)
- G7TO Programs (DOS/Win95/NT) -Up/Downloads for Garmin and Lowrance data to Street Atlas 4 thru 9
- Garmin GPS Extension - Provides Ability to Transfer Data Between ArcView GIS and a Garmin GPS
- GARTrip -Upload/download to Garmin Receivers, convert GPS data formats, prints waypoints, routes, tracks
- Geovative Solutions -Create and Share GPS TOURS w/Images/Audio/Text & Downloads to GPS Devices
- Gmap4 -Google Maps + Topographic, Free. Display GPX, KML, KMZ, TPO, and Google MyMap files
- GPSS -GPS Software from Sunninghill, Maps for 110 Countries, Speaks in 11 languages
- GPS Altitude Chart -Create elevation profiles from tracklogs, save them as PDF/PNG.
- GPSMonitor -Records and displays NMEA data. Also shows your location on a Google Map
- GPSed.com -Mapping Your Impressions, pin photos to a map at a place where they were taken
- GPS TrackMaker -Edits Tracklogs, and Waypoints for Magellan, Garmin, Lowrance, & MLR Receivers
- GPS Utilities -Edit Garmin MapSource Maps (Part 1) (Part 2) by Newham (JUL 03)
- GPS Utility -Up/download to Garmin,Magellan,& Lowrance, datum conversion, data management, and mapping
- GPS Visualizer -Plots Profiles and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) plots from GPS tracklogs and waypoints
- GPS Watch by iNTERCHAIN Solutions -Turn your cell phone into a professional GPS Receiver
- GPSy (Macintosh)
- Karen's GPS Software Listings (MAC/PC/Newton/etc)
- MacGPS Pro Software from L.W. James Associates
- MAC upload and download software for Garmin GPS receivers -GPS CONNECT
- MapToasterTopo -Complete New Zealand Topographic and Air Photo Mapping Solution for GPS
- Novlum Urban Horizon -See 3-D Maps and Navigation on Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone
- MyGPS -Freeware, Manage Waypoints, Track Profiles, and Routes on Scanned Maps
- NEMA Simulator, GPS Simulator and Dead Reckoning Software for GPS Developers> by Sailsoft.NL
- Ozi Explorer (Scanned, BSB, and DRG Maps) Now supports Area Calculations and Trackpoint Editing
- PanTerra Software: Waypoint Management Software for Garmin/Magellan GPS has 1.6 Million Waypoints
- QuakeMap overlays GPS tacks, waypoints, Digital Camera photos, on Terraserver aerial and topo maps
- PCWize GPX Generator -Use for Geocaches or to Share files with Others
- Tracks 4 Africa -Tracks and waypoints for direct download in widely accepted fileformats.
- USAPhotoMaps -Download Aerial/Topo Images at Selected Waypoints -Instructions
- WindmillData Collection software Logs Data from GPS and Other Sensors to Computer
- Wissenbach Map3D (free) Rrecord your hiking and mountain bike trips on DRG maps
Links to GPS Information Sites- Aviation GPS Information Available Here
- Aviation GPS Information Available Here Too
- Build your own GPS with Doug Baker's OPEN SOURCE Project
- Garmin GPS -Tricks, Tips, Work Arounds, Hints, Secrets and Ideas
- Geography Resources from the Mining Company
- GeoCaching: Use your GPS in a worldwide "stash" locating game
- GPS Action Replay -Use with Windsurfing and Other Sports
- GPS Atheletes -A website for athletes that train and race with GPS devices
- GPS Navigation Watch -Navigation News, Information, Product Reviews and Analysis
- GPS Speedsurfing! -A New Water Sport for Windsurfers
- GPS-TOUR -Free GPS Worldwide Tour File-Sharing Platform (Hiking, Horseback Riding, Skiing (etc.)
- GPSTracklog.com -GPS Reviews, News, Tips. and Tricks. GPS Mapping, Make Your Own Maps
- Italiano: Informazioni e tutorial in Italiano sui GPS Garmin da Massimo D'Eramo
- LaptopGPSWorld.com -GPS Navigation on Laptops, Tablet PCs, and UMPCs, (Discussion Group)
- Learn How a GPS System Operates -By CarsDirect
- Peter Bennett's GPS Index, Vancouver
- Sam Wormley's Comprehensive GPS Info Site
- Spanish: Pagina GPS Espanola: GPS information in Spanish available here
Links to GPS Hardware Manufacturers
Links to Accessories
- Arkon Resources -Mobile-mounting Specialists, Alternate mountings for Garmin, TomTom, Magellan, and Others
- Automatic and Autonomous control of flight for model aircraft, parafoils: Who makes equipment?
- Batteries -Who sells them at good prices
- Blue Hills Innovations (Connectors and Cables for Garmin GPS units)
- EarthMate to NMEA data converter module -Makes EarthMate work with non-Delorme map programs
- Gilsson Technologies -Active Antennas, Cables, GPS Cases, Data Cards, and GPS Auto Mounts
- GPS EZ Mount -Get your GPS off the windshield
- GPS Screen protectors - Invisible Shield's thin sheets can protect GPS screens from scratches
- Jose Ramos -Garmin GPS Cables, Antennas, APRS and PDA Cables, RAM Mounts and Other
- Pfranc.com - Garmin connectors for "make your own" Garmin cables
- National Products Corp (dba RAM) -Mounting Systems for GPS Receivers
- SewellDirect.com, USB-to-Serial Adapters plus other Accessiries for your Computer
- Wolfe's (Ron) GPS Accessories -Antennas, Cables, Mounting Brackets and such.
Links to GPS Software Products
Links to Vendors (Dealers)
Other (Non GPS) Features
Internet And Networking ItemsWebsite Comments? New Material Suggestions? For suggestions and corrections, please e-mail Jack or Joe below:
Jack Yeazel |
Joe Mehaffey |
Sam Penrod |
Allory Deiss |
*All material on this website is Copyrighted by Joe Mehaffey, Jack Yeazel, Sam Penrod, Allory Deiss, or the respective authors.
Copyright 1997- 2013. All rights reserved. |
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