Users offer their own comments on their favorite GPS receivers

Garmin GPS-76S comments by Doug Wilson

Garmin eTrex LEGEND comments by Gene Berkowitz, Jamie Main and others

Garmin eTrex VISTA comments by Barry Burke

Garmin eTrex VISTA CSX comments by Weiyun Yu

Garmin QUEST I comments by Scott Dunnington

Garmin StreetPilot III comments by Wayne Orwig

Garmin GPS-III PLUS (Europe) comments by David French

Garmin GPS-V (Europe) comments by by Holger Stumges
Garmin GPS-V (Canada) comments by  Ron Blakely

Magellan Gold comments by Fred Thorlin
Magellan Gold comments by Doug Ward

Magellan Sportrak Pro by Russ Tanner

NavMan GPS comments by Garrett Lambert

<>Garmin GPS MAP 276C comments by Michael Emery 

This section is written by people like YOU.  These are candid comments by users about their favorite GPS.  I do not expect these comments to be of the nature of a "product review" or that they will be highly technical.

I invite participation until we have several comments from different people about each common GPS unit.  Things you might cover include (but are not limited to):

1)  Why you picked out the GPS you did.

2)  What you like about your choice.

3)  What you do not like about your choice?

4)  Your experiences in using your GPS receiver.

5)  Does your GPS perform as you expected.

6)  How is the manual?

7)  Other comments.

Published comments will be yours,  but we reserve the right to make editorial changes for clarity or to maintain factural information.  Negative comments are fine,  but they must be justified by the facts you present and not just "product bashing" for no good reason.  We cannot accept every submittal and expect to update postings with later contributions from time to time.

THANKS for your help with this page.  Email your material to Joe Mehaffey HERE.

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